Her beauty undiminished
tho' she believes it tarnished
by the ravages of time.
Her unquenched spirit a beacon
banishing life's mundanity to shadow,
eyes shining with a childs mirth
twinkled with her impish wisdom.
Lifting me from cynical indecision
To this happy certainty:
that while we journey as one
we are shielded from adversity
by her fearless positivity.
And by her smile.
And all the while
she doesn't realise
her undiminished beauty
Gifts of celestial truths
he brings to them,
charts, orbits, trajectories
- order and meaning
to the chaos
that is
the cosmos.
Long years observing,
plotting, deducing,
God's universe
for those whose eyes
would never see
further than their
by way of gratitude
remove freedom,
God-given rights.
Father of Science,
strident follower
of trails of stars,
now trails strides
between portals
in prison-home
Bereft of confiscated
tools of Science,
nightly seated
by high barred window
intent on Tuscan night sky.
Eyes dart to locate
Sirius, Jupiter, Mars.
Memory telescopes,
repaints the universe
in all of its celestial majesty.
An AllPoetry contest entry, the theme "Telescope"
Galileo Galilei, known as the Father of Science, was a scientist and
astronomer, whose theories on heliocentricity ( earth revolving around
the Sun, rather than vice versa ) led to his being put under house
arrest by Pope Urban VIII .
Rome's Eagle, head of Melqarth
adorn these shekels of Tyre.
The legal price of a slave,
marked for purchase of sacrifice
but handed out for infamy.
Pale argentate moons lie randomly,
scattered in tormented anguish
by perdition's fated son
upon the floor of the temple
whence they treacherously came.
Silvery spring sun detects
metallic glint from halter buckle
swinging from a desolate bough,
reflects the lustre of thirty Tyre shekels
The price of a Potters field grave.
P.J. Murphy
(c) P.J. Murphy 2005
( The 30 pieces of silver offered to Judas for his betrayal was significantly the purchase price of a slave. A despairing Judas threw back the shekels before hanging himself with a halter - the coins were subsequently used to purchase him a Potters Field grave )
Note: This was an entry for one of a series of Allpoetry.com contests with colour themes, this one being 'Silver'
You, you who wage this war
spatter children in the rubble
piss on your conquered enemy
torture and humiliate your captives
speak lightly of 'collateral damage'
while pieces of families
are fumbled from crumbled concrete
Consider this.
You are an accident of your birth.
It caused your allegiance to your country,
to the fundamentalism of your religion,
to a taught hatred of an enemy
whose birthright is also accidental
who hates and wants to kill you
because of where you live
and the God you believe in.
Strip away your flag.
Remove your pious garb.
Forget for a moment
Your ancestral dead.
Unconsidered by the scornful young,
Who's eyes see only crimson, black and white;
Feared by the world-weary aging
To them a symbol of their mortal plight.
I am the shade of sense and reason
of tolerance and compromise -
Grey areas, which most ( whose narrow spectrum
shows but vivid colours ) despise.
I am the hue of contemplation,
The colour of the mighty sea at night
I am the shadow where events too
dangerous or nefarious to take place in light
are enacted by the courageous and the lost.
The dusk where clandestine lover's tryst
Unveils true beauty without distraction of surround
Enhanced with only ethereal mist.
I am the flawed or genius cell inside your brain,
the formless grey miasma of your dream.
I am the ash to which one day you will return
When tincture fades, and shades of grey redeem
P.J. Murphy
(c) P.J. Murphy 2005
Note: This was an entry for one of a series of Allpoetry.com contests with colour themes, this one being 'Grey'
All leading toward
this unfamiliar place
sharing space with
strangers with names.
in halls.
Next Friday
they will
toast his health
tell bawdy
stories, badly.
Exaggerate his
Present him with
their heartfelt gift
( travel vouchers
he will never use -
he has no heart for travel
since he lost her.
How would they know? )
the alarm will ring.
He will turn it off
one final time.
He will accept
well meant
to future
Friday frolics.
one Friday
the strangers
will have no names.
This was an entry for an Allpoetry contest where the prompt was the line "strangers with names", and won the Bronze trophy for 3rd place in the contest
They need our lies -
our reconstruction
of the fables
is what keeps them
hanging on to
the dream
The faithful.
Bless 'em.
Follow us
on the
to Heaven
They swallow it all
- transubstantiation
( literally...)
the whole
omniscient and
omnipresent God
Divine Mystery
Say it often enough, it acquires substance
Two thousand years of repetition
create an article of faith most absolute
for those in fervent need of absolution
We make the world
a better place
as fear of Hellfire
and damnation
( did I mention 'Vengeful?' )
keep them in check -
a docile flock
the Good Shepherd
the silence
of the lambs
So we will continue
to fire our canon
at the ninety-nine
who suckle on it's
perpetuated by this
Papal Bull.
Ah... Men...
This was an entry for an AllPoetry Contest "Take a step back ( Round 2 )" http://allpoetry.com/contest/2374596 and won Gold for 1st place
For making me feel that my weaknesses
are part of my boyish charm
For lending me your arm
When my excesses get the better of me
For beaming your pride at my triumphs
And withering those who would demean them
For picking me up from my failures
Moulding them into moral victories
For fashioning two precious daughters
from the warmth of our passion
Somehow passing me the credit
When all that was required of me
Was to love those images of you
Who, swathed in your young mother love
Knew nothing but to return bubbling affection
while my heart burst with pride
For filling me with youth when I'm old
Finding the boy in the weary man
For blinding me with beauty
Which is no reflection of the past
But a new and vibrant vision
The pictured lover of my dreams
Beside me when I wake each day
A startling and a wond'rous reality
Liquid eyes as dewdrops
on pinkening petal-cheeks
lips suffused, smolder with promises ;
intoxicating fragrances
permeate sepal, buds, corolla
of this exquisite Celtic bloom
The sanguine Spanish sun,
accustomed ever to smile upon
a well-stocked rose bed of it's own
reflects the radiant glory of an Irish rose
nurtured by it's balmy bounty
and has the grace to blush.
I am from Ireland, and this was written to my wife, whose beauty flourished and was burnished exotic in the warm and splendid Spanish sun - the fiery beauty of Spain, in its turn, was enhanced by her presence.
Sometimes you need to transplant a rose to a sunnier place to realise how very beautiful it is.
Never terribly
far away, they
clamour constantly
to make their
presence felt..
just below
the surface,
they jeer this
veneer of
stolid, solid
"Hush", I tell them
this is not
the time nor place
to show your face
and we are not
as young as
we once used to be
I guess
I'd always
just assumed
that they would
fade away and die
dissolving with
the remnants of
my long-lost
misspent youth
But no, they tease
and taunt and pester,
these ghosts of
rampant yesteryear.
"Someday", I promise,
"I will let you
out to play again".
And then, By God,
let the world beware...
This was written for an Allpoetry Contest "Where the Wild Things Are"
They have been among us
for some time now
You could have passed
any of them in the street...
Discrete, they have been waiting, waiting
they flex an occasional muscle
independantly devastating
a portion of humanity
communicating transcendentantly
to apportion synchronicity
each one having wrought
a limited, controlled vengeance
without thought of consequence
cold, purposeful malevolence
Preying on the weak
playing on the weakness
of the lowest of mankind
to further bind their vile finality
our reality is that in a while, soon
they will fashion soul's destruction
Our sole defence is to commune
the forces of collective compassion
to pit the milk of human kindness
against mounted apocalyptic horses
and enemies of man, long recounted...
P.J. Murphy
(c) 2005
My beautiful daughter Nycola married Marc, the love of her life, last Friday, August 21 2009.
I will be using this post to share video and photo moments from the day
So far, I have uploaded a 5-minute video of wonderful moments from the church ceremony, recorded and edited by Nyc's talented cousin Paul O'Brien, and a really poignant slideshow of magical moments captured by Paul's sister Linda. Also there is Cathal Beale's hilarious speech/poem, a clip of Nyc and the bridesmaids on stage for "The Promise", and a clip of their first dance, to "At Last".
August 28 - added a (very) amateur attempt to make a video montage from some of the snaps supplied by guests, with The Shins "New Slang" as backing track.
August 30 - added a clip of Marc standing in on drums for Jimi Hendrix' "Fire" with the fantastic "White Chocolate".
Sept 2 - added the brilliant "White Chocolate" first dance to T.Rex "20th Century Boy".
Sept 2 - added clips from Nyc & Marc Wedding - Part Deux, the fantastic session on the 'day after', featuring Cathal Beale's definitive version of Kings of Leon "Sex on Fire", and Phil's magical headbanging to the band's rendition of Rage Against the Machine "In the Name Of".
Sept 4 - added my "Father of the Bride" speech. Reluctantly.
Sept 5 - added another slideshow "I only have eyes for you"
Just scroll down to get into da groove....!
Paul O'Brien's video moments:
If you can't see the embedded video above, you can watch this on YouTube at Nycola and Marc Wedding moments with Arcade Fire "Wake Up"
Paul's sister Linda compiled a fantastic photo montage, in a video with Ben Folds "The Luckiest" as the background music. If this doesn't spring a tear to your eye, you have no soul! Linda captured exactly what Nycola and Marc wanted, unposed and natural images, with a gorgeous soundtrack. We've had to have the mop handy everytime this has been shown to family and friends.
Again, if the embedded video doesn't display correctly, you can view the slideshow on MySpace at Nycola and Marc's Wedding - photo slideshow with Ben Folds "The Luckiest". This one comes with a warning - watch alone, and with a full pack of Mansize tissues.
At the reception, Nycola and the bridesmaids ( minus poor Sinead who had sustained a photo-opportunity leg injury early in the day ) threw some shapes to Girls Aloud's "Promise", this is a short clip of their slick moves:
If this doesn't display properly, you can see it at this Nycola and Bridesmaids dance to "Promise" YouTube link.
This is the happy couple's first dance as husband and wife:
Any problem, view it on YouTube at Nycola and Marc's Wedding - First Dance (At Last)
I made my first attempt at creating a Windows Movie Maker Video using edited photos I got from some of the guests, with The Shins "New Slang" as the backing track:
Get it direct from YouTube on Nycola and Marc Wedding: guests photos
Marc (Harvey) rocking it out on drums with the best wedding band EVER - White Chocolate with a cover of "Fire" by Jimi Hendrix.
The YouTube video link is Nycola and Marc wedding - Marc drumming with White Chocolate~~~
One of the songs on Nyc & Marc's signature wedding CD was The Flamingoes "I only have eyes for you". You have been playing the CD, havent' you??! Hopeless romantic that I am, I made a short video which tries to capture their 'special moments', with this song as the backing track. My 2nd attempt at Movie Maker, with photos supplied from Linda, Eileen, Liz, Marion and Sara. Keep the hanky handy...
Unfortunately the YT thought police seem to have blocked this, if the embedded video above doesn't play,
YouTube it here' Nycola and Marc - I only have eyes for you with a string version of the song which managed to get past the filter-monkeys.
Cathal, one of Marc's groomsmen had the crowd in stitches with his contribution to the speeches - a poem celebrating the many good times they've shared over the years:
This is the text of Cathal's speech
I have to say, I've had really nice feedback on my own speech, despite the fact that I had Elvis "Shake-a-ma-leg" syndrome, and I was never gonna be able to put in words how magical it has been to be Nycola's father all of these years, nor how delighted I am that she chose Marc as her husband. But... embarrassing as it may be, this is what it sounded like:
Again, it's on YouTube at Nycola and Marc wedding - Father of the Bride speech
The wedding band "White Chocolate" were a huge hit with all guests young and old, from the first song the crowd hit the dancefloor, and never sat down again! This is the band playing their opening song, a brilliant cover of T.Rex's "20th Century Boy".
This clip is available on YouTube at: Nycola and Marc Wedding - White Chocolate play T.Rex "20th Century Boy"
As is the trend these days, it was a two-day wedding celebration. After brunch at the hotel, and ( for most ) an afternoon snooze, we'd organized a musical extravaganza for the Saturday night in the Wicked Swan, with Blue Moose providing the mainstay of the music, and multiple guest appearances by the hugely musically talented friends of the bride and groom.
Here is Cathal (again) giving Kings of Leon a run for their money with his rendition of "Sex On Fire":
Any problems, check it out on YouTube - Cathal rocks "Sex on Fire"
And, of course, the night wouldn't have been comple without Phil headbanging to "Rage" - 'In the name of'. Video clip courtesy of Becky ( just passing the blame here... )
Any problems viewing this, just go to the YouTube link at: Phil rocks Rage Against The Machine "In The Name Of..."
"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference." Elie Wiese
feigning oblivion
to sprawled
lifeless lumber,
fallen, felled
Our limbs loft
rigidly erect
proud, aloof,
we gaze skyward,
haughtily avoid
awkward vista of
wretch stretched
uncouthly oozing
sap solution
over our exclusive
deep-pile carpet
If anyone
we heard
( If a tree fell
in the forest
and everyone
not to notice,
would it
make a sound?
Are bears
the pope
in the
woods? )
Triumvirate Deity, exalted by Zeus,
Hekate Queen of Ghosts am I,
Goddess of moonlight and magick,
Protectress of the wilderness
In Phrygia and Lagina
devout acolytes pay homage yet;
the lost and the swollen pray
for safe deliverance; safe delivery
Favouring ever my faithful,
sorcerers and necromancers
beseech favour: howling hounds
herald my intercessions
Wary traveller lost, receives
Divine guidance at crossed road,
Titan torch throws illumination
to light the righteous path
Queen of the Night, traversing
that precipice betwixt the worlds;
nourished by obeisant offerings
lost souls I steer to Hades' haven
tho fragile
I have
not yet
scrambling clear
of a dozen
some near-miss
crack squad
shell attacks
out of the firing line
into the (friendly) fire
bubbling in hot water,
sitting ducks lay, while
the chicken's safe in it's coop
this will not
be over easy
Mister Bush
I am the egg man
There's a one-legged man
You have the war lust
goo goo g'joob...
This was written for an Allpoetry Contest "Egg"
Through the heavy clouds of grief
The melodies still find their way
The voice ageless, sweet, comforting
The songs, old, familiar friends
Lifting heavy hearts in the long days
Lulling loved ones to weary sleep at night
The glittering trophies reflect the joy
In the hearts of all who heard her sing
And the deep pride of her loving family
Her rock of support for each performance
Marked with hushed respect while she enthralled
And rapturous applause when song was ended
'Sunrise, Sunset', 'Sweet Sixteen',
'When I grow too old to dream'
'Yidisha Mama', 'Summertime', 'Croce Di Oro'
Old songs, classic songs, sung by many
But imbued with her innocence of youth
And wisdom of age, assumed a new and vibrant life
Her family was her world, and now her legacy
Fine people, kind-hearted and compassionate
Filled with her spirit, strength and courage
Her music, the expression of her love for them
Truth rang timeless in every breath of her singing
It's echoes resound as long as there are memories
For Nan Cullimore (my late mother-in-law), her spirit and her voice live on.
My website, https://www.guitarsongs.info created as an online songbook in 1999, has grown into a guitarist portal site and hit the 19 million visitor mark in April 2018
On the Guitar Chords Blog www.guitar-chords.blogspot.com I post information relevant to guitarists and site news.
On my Guitar Tips Blog www.guitar-tips.blogspot.com I post mini-lessons and guitar tips for learning guitarists.
I'm also a non-prolific poet - some selected poems on my poetry blog, www.pjmurphypoems.blogspot.com