Sunday, November 25, 2012

Who Are You?

You, you who wage this war
spatter children in the rubble
piss on your conquered enemy
torture and humiliate your captives
speak lightly of 'collateral damage'
while pieces of families
are fumbled from crumbled concrete
Consider this.

You are an accident of your birth.
It caused your allegiance to your country,
to the fundamentalism of your religion,
to a taught hatred of an enemy
whose birthright is also accidental
who hates and wants to kill you
because of where you live
and the God you believe in.

Strip away your flag.
Remove your pious garb.
Forget for a moment
Your ancestral dead.


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Opaque Resume

Unconsidered by the scornful young,
Who's eyes see only crimson, black and white;
Feared by the world-weary aging
To them a symbol of their mortal plight.

I am the shade of sense and reason
of tolerance and compromise -
Grey areas, which most ( whose narrow spectrum
shows but vivid colours ) despise.

I am the hue of contemplation,
The colour of the mighty sea at night
I am the shadow where events too
dangerous or nefarious to take place in light
are enacted by the courageous and the lost.

The dusk where clandestine lover's tryst
Unveils true beauty without distraction of surround
Enhanced with only ethereal mist.
I am the flawed or genius cell inside your brain,
the formless grey miasma of your dream.

I am the ash to which one day you will return
When tincture fades, and shades of grey redeem

P.J. Murphy
(c) P.J. Murphy 2005

Note: This was an entry for one of a series of contests with colour themes, this one being 'Grey'

Thursday, September 06, 2012


He remembers a time
when he was the centre
of the circle.

A social hub, a club
close colleagues, no -
more than that -
firm friends...

sojourns to the pub
on Friday evenings
...just for a quick one.

Rolling home
at Eleven-thirty
bursting with
and a full bladder.

A pleasant institution
in their voluntary
Public Service

So hard to
stick a pin
in the point
of change



All leading toward
this unfamiliar place
sharing space with
strangers with names.

in halls.

Next Friday
they will
toast his health
tell bawdy
stories, badly.

Exaggerate his
Present him with
their heartfelt gift

( travel vouchers
he will never use -
he has no heart for travel
since he lost her.
How would they know? )

the alarm will ring.
He will turn it off
one final time.

He will accept
well meant
to future
Friday frolics.

one Friday
the strangers
will have no names.


This was an entry for an Allpoetry contest where the prompt was the line "strangers with names", and won the Bronze trophy for 3rd place in the contest


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

You Know Who I Am

Commanding the stage 
and the fine musicians 
bestowed with the honour 
of accenting your wisdom 
you spill your honeyed words 
into our eager consciousness s
erenely smiling like a holy man 

In your seventy-fifth year 
you sing your psalms and stories 
with the voice of a God 
but soothing now, no questions asked 
but an acceptance that there are no answers 

You were the crutch, t
he mainstay of my thoughtful youth 
a comforting validation 
that someone more austere than I 
could strip away veneer 
and see the sewers and the sunsets 
the sinner and the sainted 
and cosset them in blankets of words 
rendering them timeless 

Thank you, Leonard.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Ok, so we've
lied a little

They need our lies -
our reconstruction
of the fables
is what keeps them
hanging on to
the dream

The faithful.
Bless 'em.

Follow us
on the
to Heaven

They swallow it all
- transubstantiation
( literally...)
the whole
omniscient and
omnipresent God



Divine Mystery

Say it often enough, it acquires substance
Two thousand years of repetition
create an article of faith most absolute
for those in fervent need of absolution

We make the world
a better place
as fear of Hellfire
and damnation
( did I mention 'Vengeful?' )
keep them in check -
a docile flock
the Good Shepherd
the silence
of the lambs

So we will continue
to fire our canon
at the ninety-nine
who suckle on it's
perpetuated by this
Papal Bull.

Ah... Men...


This was an entry for an AllPoetry Contest "Take a step back ( Round 2 )" and won Gold for 1st place

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Tuesday, September 08, 2009


For making me feel that my weaknesses
are part of my boyish charm
For lending me your arm
When my excesses get the better of me
For beaming your pride at my triumphs
And withering those who would demean them
For picking me up from my failures
Moulding them into moral victories

For fashioning two precious daughters
from the warmth of our passion
Somehow passing me the credit
When all that was required of me
Was to love those images of you
Who, swathed in your young mother love
Knew nothing but to return bubbling affection
while my heart burst with pride

For filling me with youth when I'm old
Finding the boy in the weary man
For blinding me with beauty
Which is no reflection of the past
But a new and vibrant vision
The pictured lover of my dreams
Beside me when I wake each day
A startling and a wond'rous reality



Liquid eyes as dewdrops
on pinkening petal-cheeks
lips suffused, smolder with promises ;
intoxicating fragrances
permeate sepal, buds, corolla
of this exquisite Celtic bloom

The sanguine Spanish sun,
accustomed ever to smile upon
a well-stocked rose bed of it's own
reflects the radiant glory of an Irish rose
nurtured by it's balmy bounty
and has the grace to blush.


I am from Ireland, and this was written to my wife, whose beauty flourished and was burnished exotic in the warm and splendid Spanish sun - the fiery beauty of Spain, in its turn, was enhanced by her presence.

Sometimes you need to transplant a rose to a sunnier place to realise how very beautiful it is.