Treasure P. J. Murphy
I will place your hand
In his hand,
Step back
To my place of pride,
Hear you proclaim
Those age-old promises
And watch
My baby girl
Become a Bride.
I will shed a tear
For all the days
We laughed and played,
And the nights
I sang your lullabies.
For the myriad memories
Of who we were,
And who we will
Always be.
Daughter. Father.
I will hold your heart
In my heart
While I bless your love,
Your new adventures,
And smile
My happiness for
Your happiness,
And my privilege
To be always in your life
I will not 'give you away'
You own your destiny,
I will proudly escort
A vibrant young woman
Of matchless strength and beauty
As you go forth to claim your world.
And I will keep you safe
In that hallowed place
Where a Father keeps his treasures.